We Wore it Pink for Breast Cancer Now!

The A1 Group raises £4000 for Breast Cancer Now!
On Friday October 21st, A1 depots across the country took part in the Breast Cancer Now – Wear it Pink day!
It was great to see so many staff and customers (men and woman!) in pink to support a great cause. We held a number of fundraising activities across the depots including various bake sales, quizzes and sweepstakes! We wanted the day to feel really memorable and we couldn’t resist some pink balloons to bring the depots to life! After a final count up we can confirm we managed to raise an incredible £4000 for Breast Cancer Now! (it was actually £3976.72 but we topped it up to make a nicer number) which is a testament to the generosity of our staff and customers.
Our Wokingham based metal recycling facility along with its car spares department is a hive of activity with customers coming and going throughout the day – the generosity of the customers was overwhelming from purchasing baked goods to joining in with all the games on site. The scrap yard raised almost £3000 pounds which included 2 incredibly generous donations of £1000 each from 2 customers who have breast cancer research close to their hearts – thank you Gold Star Transport & A1 Roberts Properties. We must also say a HUGE thank you to everyone that supported us on the day, all donations however big or small have gone to a great cause!
Our Loo Hire office depots in Bridgend, Portsmouth and Wokingham also raised almost £1000 between them for the charity – an incredible achievement and the photos of their staff in pink were priceless! It was great to see so many of the A1 staff get together for a day of fundraising and we really hope everyone enjoyed the day.
About Wear It Pink
Breast Cancer Now’s Wear it Pink day is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK. Taking place during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thousands of amazing people wear it pink in their communities, schools or workplaces for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now.
Together, we’ve been wearing it pink for over 20 years. You’ve dressed up, baked, quizzed and pulled off all kinds of incredible sponsored challenges. You’ve had a whole lot of fun and raised over £37 million in the process. People affected by breast cancer need us – and they need you too. That’s why today, we’re asking you to wear pink, raise money and help make life-changing research and support happen.
In the last few years, our researchers missed over 230,000 hours in their labs. That’s 230,000 hours where they couldn’t experiment, study breast cancer, and make breakthroughs. Despite these setbacks, we’ve never been more determined to reach our goal - by 2050, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer will live, and be supported to live well.
It’s not too late...
It’s never too late to donate to the cause and our Just Giving page is still open for any extra donations!
Visit our Just Giving Page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/a1wearsitpink